TEAM came together with Bacardi USA and the FIU Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management to bring you Future Proof. A collaborative learning platform built by renowned bartenders, Future Proof was created to provide all the foundational knowledge and techniques necessary to excel as a hospitality professional anywhere in the world.
From bar history to bar future, this immersive experience takes students from the screen to the classroom, where they learn from the best and discover what it takes to get their careers started behind the bar.
Learn more about the Future Proof community here.
35,000. This is not an exaggeration. The number of events a year managed by Kim Hucko and her team is seriously hard to wrap our brains around, and yet they make it look so easy. 😌
We let the good times roll in the cocktail capital of the world, New Orleans, for the 22nd year of Tales of the Cocktail 2024.
We’re absolutely thrilled to be featured on Event Marketer’s IT List of Event Agencies for 2024. This recognition is a HUGE win for us and a testament to the incredible work the team puts into creating experiences that are remembered forever.